Besides the caffeine boost, you'll experience numerous health benefits from drinking a cup of coffee every morning. Coffee beans contain antioxidants that not only reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease and heart disease but also help you live longer.
However, sometimes, that delicious morning cup of coffee can also give you caffeine jitters for a variety of reasons. Once you better understand why these jitters occur, you'll be able to make the necessary changes to your lifestyle with ease.
In this article, we'll look at seven ways you can reduce caffeine jitters and improve your overall health too.
1. Stay Well Hydrated
Your first step to reducing caffeine jitters is ensuring you're well hydrated. Not drinking enough water causes you to become dehydrated, and you'll experience symptoms like headaches, decreased urination, dizziness, and fatigue, and you may also crave sugar more.
If you're already experiencing symptoms of dehydration from the day before, you'll tend to feel jittery and anxious after your morning cup of coffee.
You'll experience this even more if you consume other caffeinated beverages during the day. So, to keep your body in balance, make a conscious effort to reach for water during the day instead.
2. Take a Walk
Make it a habit to take just a 30-minute walk in the morning. Walking not only helps you burn calories and reduce your risk of chronic disease, but it also does wonders for your mood too.
Research shows that simply walking for 10 minutes each day can significantly boost your spirits. It can also stimulate your digestive system and can help your body burn through the excess energy that caffeine jitters can bring.
Overall, you'll be much less likely to feel any caffeine side effects, and give yourself a balanced energy boost before you start your work day.
3. Try Mindfulness Techniques
If taking a walk doesn't work for you in the morning, mindfulness meditation exercises can calm your nervous system.
After your morning coffee, you can sit outside or just find a quiet space in your house to unwind. A simple mindfulness practice you can use involves sitting comfortably and paying attention to how your body is feeling in the present moment.
Try to feel yourself breathing in and out, and take in the moment. Don't judge yourself if you feel your mind wandering and worrying about the day's events; instead, allow yourself just to be present.
If you're not comfortable trying these techniques on your own and need some guidance, you can try a meditation app or even do some light yoga. Whichever way you choose, you'll feel much calmer and experience noticeable relief from the caffeine jitters all around.
4. Eat a Healthy Meal
For many people, brewing a pot of coffee before anything else makes for a magical morning ritual.
What you may not realize is that drinking caffeine on an empty stomach can affect your body and increase your sensitivity to developing caffeine jitters. To begin with, drinking coffee on an empty stomach can cause your blood sugar to increase.
In addition, coffee is acidic by nature, so it increases the acidity in your stomach, increasing your chances of developing gastric reflux and heartburn symptoms. The long-term effects of this can lead to inflammation in your esophagus and stomach.
Therefore, an excellent way to mitigate the jitters is by adding a healthy breakfast to the mix. You can try eggs and avocado toast or a bowl of oatmeal to balance the acidity in your stomach.
5. Take L-Theanine
L-theanine is an amino acid primarily found in mushrooms and green tea. L-theanine has many health benefits including stress relief, improved immunity, and reduced blood pressure.
In fact, taking L-theanine before bed can lead to a more restful sleep overall, and if you take it in the morning, you'll experience an enhanced state of relaxation.
Pairing L-theanine with your cup of coffee can lead to increased focus and attention throughout your day. The Good Stuff contains L-Theanine and several other ingredients that make your coffee healthier.
6. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake
Most people can consume up to four cups of coffee per day, or approximately 400mg of caffeine, and not experience any side effects. However, your caffeine tolerance can vary based on your age, weight, and how well your liver is able to process caffeine.
If you're a coffee connoisseur, reducing your coffee intake may be quite difficult, especially if you're used to drinking 3 or 4 cups of coffee in the morning. So, start slowly and drink two cups instead of three.
You can also try caffeinated drinks with lower levels of caffeine, such as black tea or green tea. All in all, adding some variety to your caffeine options can reduce your jitters but still leave you feeling energized.
7. Use Healthy and Natural Additives
Using artificial sugars and sweeteners can enhance any coffee jitters you're experiencing. They also lead to inflammation in your body and leave you feeling more fatigued once your insulin levels rise to process the sugar.
Instead, try finding a delicious and healthy alternative to add to your coffee, such as The Good Stuff. This product contains essential ingredients your body needs, like collagen, L-theanine, MCT, cinnamon, and Himalayan pink salt.
MCT boosts your metabolism, collagen improves your skin and joint health, and Himalayan pink salt can help your body to stay properly hydrated. In addition, cinnamon is a wonderful flavor booster that also reduces inflammation.
All you need to do is add a scoop to your morning coffee, and you'll enjoy a calm cup of coffee and improve your health along the way.
Use The Good Stuff™ to Reduce Your Caffeine Jitters
Caffeine jitters can impact your morning, but once you take these steps, you'll thoroughly enjoy that morning cup of coffee again.
Why not turn to For Wellness for your coffee and health needs? For Wellness was formed by legendary golfer Phil Mickelson and his friend and coach Dave Phillips. Together, they've created high-quality coffee and health products to give you the tools you need to enhance your health.
In addition to The Good Stuff, you'll find Whole Bean Coffee, Superfood Energy Bites, and more.