Member Stories: Rebecca's Performance Come-Back

Rebecca on a Run

"It was just crazy. And then that was my 'okay this works' moment."

This isn't your typical Good Stuff story. At For Wellness, we admit we have a tendency to focus on how The Good Stuff™ can help with cutting creamer, cravings, and focus. However, this For Wellness member's health journey actually starts at the esthetician's office.

Meet Rebecca, the fitness enthusiast who does it all, from central Illinois.

Hi Rebecca, how did you discover For Wellness?

It's a really weird story. Back in December of 2022, my name had been put in a drawing at a local estheticians office for a skincare line and I won. I have sensitive skin and was a little worried about the ingredients. I used it the morning of December 30th, and on New Year's Eve morning, I woke up and my whole face was swollen. My eyes were almost swollen shut. My eyelids were cracked and bleeding. It was bad. My doctor put me on prednisone but it never really alleviated anything. They wanted to send me to a dermatologist, but this was in January and they said the earliest they could see me was the beginning of April. In the meantime, I kept seeing ads for For Wellness. I kept seeing how it would add moisture back into your skin with the Himalayan sea salt and collagen. And I thought, “what's it going to hurt?”

What benefits have you experienced from The Good Stuff?

I use one scoop of it every day in my coffee and I drink strict black coffee with maybe organic honey in it. I 100% believe between the diet regimen I started doing (which included advice from a holistic health professional to incorporate 100% organic fruits and vegetables) and For Wellness is what finally cleared everything up with my skin. My skin isn't dry! I can feel the moisture in my skin. I do notice my nails are stronger. When I get my haircut, my hairdresser says, “I feel like I take a pound of hair off your head every time you come in now.”

In addition to the skin benefits, how else has The Good Stuff impacted your health and wellness?

Once I had a break in shipments of For Wellness. By day three of not using The Good Stuff daily, I was thinking, “What is wrong with me?” Like I was in a fog. I couldn't focus on my job. I deal with numbers all day long. And my brain was foggy, I couldn't concentrate. My focus was not there. I felt super sluggish. I also was having pain in my ankle while running, which I hadn’t had since starting The Good Stuff. As soon as I got my shipment and as soon as I started using it again, it took about two days. Everything started feeling back to normal! I had the clarity back. I didn't feel like I was walking around in a fog. I wasn't sluggish, and the inflammation in my ankle went down. So it was just crazy. And that was my “Okay this works” moment.

How does your physical routine support your For Wellness routine?

I've been a runner since 2009. I kind of hit the running game later in life, but I've done three marathons and I don't know how many half marathons, and then numerous local 5ks and have ran for St. Jude (Macomb to Peoria) for fourteen years.

Outside of running, I strength train with Training Babes four days a week, which is a mixture of crossfit and strength training. Between running and strength training I am working out six days a week with one day of rest. Self care is NOT being selfish, and incorporating something such as For Wellness is a VERY important part of this routine.

What is your advice to anyone who is looking to begin their own wellness journey?

You’ve got to do the work! I can't force you to do it. It’s like training for a race. I couldn't rely on days when everybody else could run. I had to do it. So it's the same way For Wellness. It works for me. I have to stick with it to see the long term effects of it. You can't use it for 10 days and say, “Yeah, it does nothing. I'm done.” You have to stay committed to it to let it get into your body. Get into your system. Let your body get adjusted to it and see the difference that it makes!

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